Sub-Area Strategies

Sub-Area Strategies

Envision Oak Point

Four distinct sub-areas (PDF) were identified in the Oak Point area, each with their own unique challenges and opportunities.

The strategies supplement the Community Vision Map by identifying how the development principals could be implemented. The purpose of these strategies is to describe and illustrate the application of these principals, not to dictate future development form, land use, and site design.


Explore the Envision Oak Point Sub-Area Strategies

Select a Quadrant below to learn more

Oak Point’s Neighborhood Adjacency Zone

Enhanced mobility features and reinvestment in declining commercial areas.

Oak Point’s Social Hub

A pedestrian-friendly civic area supporting opportunities to live, work, socialize, and dine.

Oak Point’s Employment Center

A long-term transition driven by access to US 75 and transit system improvements.

Oak Point’s Traditional Neighborhood

Diverse single-family housing options with open space utilized as a mobility and placemaking element.