Strategic Framework

Strategic Framework

Envision Oak Point

The Envision Oak Point Strategic Framework (PDF) is comprised of goals, policies, and actions that are strategically linked to the Envision Oak Point Community Vision.

This planning framework is comprised of six elements, providing policy recommendations that will guide future public and private investment in the Oak Point area.


Supports a distinct and diverse character pattern, creating opportunities to live, work, and socialize within a pedestrian-friendly environment.

Creates an integrated system of parks, trails, and open space so that Oak Point residents live within walking or biking distance of a quality neighborhood park or open space area.

Provides multiple ways to safely move through and around the area (driving, biking, walking, and transit), and reduce congestion on Plano’s thoroughfare network.

Let's celebrate the many cultures, lifestyles, and distinct natural heritage of the area through thoughtful design elements, innovative development & streetscapes, inviting public spaces, and a vibrant neighborhood center.

Supports long-term resiliency by integrating the area’s rustic landscape into community design and mitigating the impacts of development on Oak Point’s natural systems and infrastructure.

Promotes a sense of community and shape neighborhoods that remain vibrant, livable, economically sound, and equitable places for future generations.